APA Prayer Network
At APA, we believe our most important work is prayer. Prayer engages with the heart of God and invites Him to release his power into the world. We are engaging with prayer all through the week. Check below for our opporuntities to prayer together!
Sunday Prayer Ministry - during our Sunday service, we create space for prayer ministry with trained volunteers.
Sundays 9am-9:45am - Pre-service Prayer (Conference/Prayer Room)
Mondays 7am-8am - Morning Prayer (Conference/Prayer Room)
Mondays 9am-10am - Men's Prayer (Conference/Prayer Room)
Thursdays 12pm-1pm - Lunch Hour Prayer (Auditorium)
First Friday of the Month 7pm-9pm - Evening Prayer (North Auditorium)
24 Hour Prayer Room - Our 24 hour prayer room is open multiple times per year. Check the events page for updates.
Worship & Prayer Nights - We host regular nights of extended worship and prayer.
February Month of Prayer and Fasting - Every February we emphasize growing in prayer and fasting. You can follow along in this year's Prayer and Fasting Guide PDF which is attached on this page.