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APA Kids Takeover is taking place again on March 30th! This is such a fun day where we give our kids ages 4-11 the opportunity to serve in the main service. Each child is gifted in a unique way and can be a blessing to our church family. There are various areas they can sign up to help: Welcome Team; Worship Team (Drums, sining, actions on stage); Announcements, Kids Check-In; Media/Tech Team; and the APA Kids Nursery and milk and honey coffee shop. 

Please note: registration CLOSES march 27th at 12:00pm and we wont be able to accomodate any last minute registrations.

You will see there is a limit for the spots available in each area. If the area your child would like to serve in is full and you want us to let you know if someone cancels and a spot opens up, please email and and we'll be sure to let you know if anything changes. For now, sign up for your next best option.

Sign up your child HERE

Register here